Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Has anyone experienced this before?

I've been having this pain on the muscles since Friday. Started off with my left arms and slowly going down to my calves.Now it's all over the place! I went to 2 doctors and both of them clarify my pain as nothing serious. Possibly fatigue or I've been lifting heavy weigh or viral? I tried to explain as its best about my condition tapi, doc still cakap it's not serious since I don't have any fever on me. 

I did request for blood check tapi the doc said it's not necessary. The pain is like, I've been running hard or lifting heavy stuff (does Hariz includes?) 

I did Googled about it and here's what it says about the 'muscle pain' :
"Muscle pain is most frequently related to tension, overuse, or muscle injury from exercise or physically-demanding work. In these situations, the pain tends to involve specific muscles and starts during or just after the activity. It is usually obvious which activity is causing the pain.
Muscle pain also can be a sign of conditions affecting your whole body, like some infections (including the flu) and disorders that affect connective tissues throughout the body (such as lupus).
One common cause of muscle aches and pain is fibromyalgia, a condition that includes tenderness in your muscles and surrounding soft tissue, sleep difficulties, fatigue, and headaches."

Now I can't hardly walk or even climb the stairs! What's wrong with me?? Has anyone experience this before? Please do share!


  1. Hi ida! What a coincidence! I baru update pasal back ache yesterday. Mine is full from bahu to pinggang. Ngeri kan? Mmg sakit.. uhuhu. Bahu rasa mcm mngangkat batu bata je.. =(

    Still looking for other solutions other than p mengurut.

    Hanis (Honey to the Bee) recommends to use Premium Beautiful. Ni I tgh berfikir utk whether to buy it or not. *thinking*

  2. really? i dari hujung jari kaki sampai tengkok boleh? dok makan panadol je. hilang la kejap.. then dtg balik..

    err.. pb tu.. i don't know if it could help. for me la i think. we'll see how lor.. huhuhu

  3. Haaa? Dari hujung jari kaki?? Adoii..
    Jauhnya sakit, huhu..

    I yang sakit whole back ni pn dah tak tahan..=(

  4. i penah. hari tu rasa mcm lemahnye badan mcm baru kene hempap dgn kontena. ida ade mkn ape2 supplement ke lepas dpt hariz?
    i baru start minum bidadari. so far, rasa bertenaga sket la.

  5. sujie, i bukan lemah tau. i muscle pain. mcm kita bru angkat berat tu... then rasa muscle tegang kan.. camtu la.. camne nak xplain...i tak rasa letih ke ape.. cuma tegang otot je.. camne ekk

  6. hi..a new visitor here..muscle pain/back pain org what ever it is such a common pain for me.especially after i am done with groceries shopping (heavy).If it is not really a critical pain 'lotion susu kambing' may help or Salonpas-Pain Relieving Patch.Klau x jalan jgk maknanye angin tu.kena mengurut.may be makan x jaga.I mean makan benda b'angin i.e. labu, mushroom etc.Hot shower may also help.

  7. hi ieja. yaa.. it could be the problem. angin.. semlm dah urut... lega la a bit.. maybe i suke minum ice kot.. skarang baru jadik :P

  8. hye..jz to share my experience.i dl dr zmn matriks smp skrang mmg akan sakit blkng, esp klu duduk xde sandar dekat blkg, or duduk bersimpuh atas lntai. slu jmp Doc, tp normally dorg ckp nothing serius. tp i xpuas hati, last yr i go to a private hosp n consult under ortho, doing Xray for my spine area tengkuk (cervical- C4 and C5). their findings is dat my C4 and C5 is become straight insted of curvy (xray from sisi) and a bit curvy instead of straigt (xray from backside) becoz my muscle is bengkak and automaticaly die macam tarik my spine jd cm2..kire spine 2 jd stress la.. i xtau sgt medical term..den Doc jz give me mcm salonpas tu n ubat tahan sakit..2 advice is u go for xray, takut2 ade prob spine...

  9. starfish : hoh really? mcm serious jer.. so hows ur back now? dah ok? uhh takot jugak i dgr tu. thank u for the info! nnti i try p check

  10. penah..penah..pastu rasa nk demam..siap paranoid takut kena denggi lagi..but then demam dah kebah..still rasa lenguh2 tu..esp kat area belakang leher sampai ke pinggang..
    i guess we just getting old with a lot of stress and hard working ..mine la..ang aku tk tau hard working kat mana...hahahahaha..
    then slowly it amik ubat pape pun..but it did come on and off..

  11. Maybe because of fatigue kot Ida...Mira pon selalu kena..Last time mase dekat Malaysie kena skali..what I did is makan Panadol yang untuk muscle pain and really works! at least for me la...
    Another things I figured out the way we hold our kids pon kene betul jugak..sebab kalo anak dah 10kg kalo dukung lame2 memang boleh jadi lenguh..

  12. sujie : tried that. today ok la sikit.. tapi bangun tido kang sakit balik.. huhuhu

    mira : yeke? muscle pain ke? tu la maybe fatigue jugak. makan panadol hilang la kejap.. mira still skit ke?

  13. kown : hang pon? itulaa.. hopefully akan hilang la.. dah tua kot.. huhuhu

  14. i penah rasa muscle pain dari lengan sampai hujung jari. sometimes jari menggigil2 and at the same time i jd pening kepala ala-ala mabuk. org ckp angin.
    dah urut pun still x jalan. then doc bg ubt (i dh lupa apa) plus vitamin. after that baru betul2 lega kepala and tangan.

    tapi sejak ada baby ni selalu jugak rasa muscle pain especially dari pinggang ke atas. agaknya sebab dukung baby yang skg hampir menyamai berat 10kg guni beras.. hihi

  15. it's most probably fatigue. but you rasa sakit 24 hours or there are specific time? It can be your body is too cold. especially when baru bangun tido. or maybe Hariz getting heavier and you don't even realise it.

    ....or maybe you are pregnant again. :P tiba2 jeeeeee hahaha. half-kidding on that one.

    if it still persist after a week, you should check it out again with your doc.

    i paranoid skit. my sis complain pening2, letih2 pastuh last2 there was a brain abscess. It affected her hormones.

  16. job requires me to lift some heavy stuffs once in a while..sometimes bila penat kerja memang rasa lemah satu badan and what i did is have a long blissful sleep..Tu pon if Emir's not around or hakeem volunteer nak look after him while i am sleeping..

  17. donat : woh.. angin sampai mabuk2? itula.. doc bagi i vitamin c je..

    and maybe jugak la tak perasan hariz ni dah 8kg berat nyer... tapi gagah nak dukung sebelah tangan n sebelah tangan buat benda bolehhh :P

    mummylicious : LMAO! u pandai la noohh... i tak pregnant laa.. i tengah period :P

    tu laa.. most probably it;s fatigue la.. too tired n tak sedar diri lagi masih gagah :P

    and huh? brain abscess? gaaa.. i hope not that laa.. it's getting better btw.. alhamdulillah... :)

  18. kak ida, add me back. blog yang lama tu dh macam basi blog baru tp x brapa baru la. jarang tulis skang..

  19. me also ve that kind of muscle pain.jemu je jumpa doc, sbb he will end up treating me like "manja" or "ngada2" kind of person.

    now i cuma urut then ok la.n PB do help, tp i x le pakai semua, i pakai bengkung je.

  20. intan : ok. sudah add! sila update selalu okeh :P

    noraini : really? heheh. tu la.. sometimes i pon pikir, doc ni mesti ingat aku ni saja mengada2 kan :P


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