Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hariz at halfway to 8m

Ahh... it's been a while since the last entry with Hariz's photos. I was so busy and preoccupied with works at the office and I will be abroad for few days soon. Kena tinggal Hariz. sob sob. This will be my 1st being away from Hariz :(

Anyways, these photos taken quite recently at home. Hariz milestone?
  • He could crawl (or still mengesot? because he is still not crawling on his 4 yet) tapi memang laju macam crawl. :P
  • If he cries, he will call maaammmmaaa... hehehe.. no abah there :P
  • He can kiss!!! on the cheek!! well it was more like sloppy kiss. I will say like 'kiss mama' and he will like open his mouth and bring his mouth closer to my cheek and mwaaahhhh!!! :-*
  • Owh he can climb! Adoii!! He will get a hold on something and start to stretch his legs and stand will holding on something. Hoih...
  • He sleeps better now like 9.30pm and wakes up at 5.30am. Minum susu and tido balik at around 6.30am untill 8.00am
{Hariz crawling at his best}

{he won't bother with the thing on his head}

{his favourite place : his playpen}

I still haven't buy him one of those mobile cot to keep him entertained. Should I get it?
Macam dah terlambat pulak :P


  1. bawa la Hariz tinggai kat aku...hehehehe

  2. hahhaa.. betoi nii.. kang malam2 dia carik nenen abis la hanggg :P

  3. Hariz sangat comel!!!!! nk cubit pipi dia bleh ida?? =p

  4. hehehe.. cubit la idinaa.... kalau u sampai la.. hohoho :P

  5. Nak send tangan thru email bleh?? heheh!!

  6. hi ida...

    salam kenal...
    hariz da nk dekat 8 mth yer...
    so my dotter...heheh..

    nice to know u..and nice blog...suke sgt handwriting kat post title tak pandai la nk edit2..hihi


  7. comelnye hariz ni...rasa nak cubit n gigit2 je pipi dia :)

  8. kasi je la nenen kat dia...wakakakaka
    botol kan ada..(cover balik takut page ni jadi 18 SX)

  9. elin : hi! welcome to my blog! :D
    tu laa.. nak masuk 8 bulan n berat sudah 8kg++ :P

    owh.. font tu.. senang je.. see kat my sidebar tu.. follow step by step n voila!! :D

    nways thank u for visiting! :D

    OH_44106: hehehe.. that's what i do all the timee!!! mammamamamamm

    kown : hahaha.. censored la sangat :P

  10. Ida...cumel nya harizzzzzz!! geram2 nak cubit pipi...

  11. arifah : hehehe.. :P

    shareen : lol. i know right? time ni i think he saw my camera and quickly crawling towards it. that's why mcm blur2 sket :P

  12. hariz ni sgt chumel.. suka tengok gambar2 dia.. boolat nyer mata dia.. geram nyer.. aiiii.. suka3..

  13. alala hariz cute~ Looks like he sleeps A LOT better now huh? alhamdulillah, Congratulation ida. memang berakit2 ke hulu!

    where are you going ida? shanghai? woohoo! jeles nih :P

  14. cik niena : hehehe.. takpe.. nnti post lagi gambar2 dier :D

    dona : ya.. alhamdulillah.. eventho sometimes dia ada la jugak bangun kejap tgh malam bcoz of stuffy nose. tapi overall okla.. no more waking up for every 2 hours!! :P

    hehe. going to ho chi minh for study trip!!! jom dona!!! tapi ni 1st time nak tinggal hariz.. tak tau la camne nnti.. huhuhu


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