Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Good morning Malaysia!!!

Hai ladies!!!! I'm bacckkk!!! (obviously)! 

The visit was a success despite of the unpredictable weather. It was friggin hot on the day of our arrival and it rains for a while and back to hot. Hoh. I thought it supposed to be cooler than Malaysia since they are a bit further up to the north, no?

Anyways, I didn't do much shopping tho. Just bought few souvenirs like fridge magnets.

I wanted to blog about my Vietnam trip but, I don't know, after 4 days being blog-less, I kinda lost my mojo to blog :( The momentum to write hilang! I hope this is for awhile saje. huhuhu..

Will try to blog tonight. So please, dear reader, bare with me.

And I really really rindu kamu semuaa!!!! :D


  1. Welcome home ida! =)

    no worries, I'm sure your writing mojo is just resting a while~ ;p

  2. hai idina! yeah lor.. i hope it'll be back very2 soon :P

  3. yeah! welcome back ke tanahair yang terchenta!

  4. whoah bestnya pi vietnam! shopping tak? mesti balik2 terus gomol hariz kan? :D

  5. harus!!!! tapi shopping biasa jer.. beli souvenir jer .. huhuu.. and mmg rindu sangat kat hariz!!!! time balik dia tido pulak. so bila dia terjaga merengek sket, terus angkat. hahaha ;P

  6. Welcome back Puan Ida!
    My MIL and Raheel br fly pergi Ireland last 2 days..ade nak pesan ape2 sementare sempat ni..hehehe

  7. hahaha.. nak pesan ape ekk.. kalau pesan pon biler la bleh p amik :P beli fridge magnet jer kot :D


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