Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saturday at Aeon Bandar Perda

We haven't been going out for quite sometimes since Ramadhan. So yesterday, we've decided to lunch out at the nearest mall, Aeon Bandar Perda.

I've been craving for Kenny Rogers's chicken. ughh.. Normally we would have our dinner when Hariz taking his afternoon nap.

Sampai je jusco, Hariz still wide awake. It's already half past 1pm and perot ku sudah berkeroncong. So maybe if we take him to play at the play area he would be tired and fast asleep.

So we thought...

Hariz sangat lah suka main kat sini. This is the 3rd time we took him here. It's free so play as long as we want and it's clean too!

Looks like the mommy was the one having a ball :P

It's really a good thing that the management would do such a place for babies and children to play. So parents could shop with ease :P


  1. adeh, lama betol tak pergi Jusco kat Perda..dulu selalu pi sana.. :)

  2. huhu.. queensbay mall or gurney would be better. tapi dah dok seberang.. dah malas nak cross bridge.. huhuhu

  3. malas nk cross sebab trauma kabel terbakar haritu ke?hehhe

  4. cute ada wear tudung tu..hariz makin membesar..dah bleh berjln yer??

  5. arifah : tu la pasaii.. huhuhu

    dieha : hehe tanx! tu tudung malas. tak iron pon ;P hariz tak leh jalan lagi.. kena pegang2 dulu.. maybe soon kot :D


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