Friday, April 22, 2011

My childhood crush

I grew up with Casper, Now and Then, Backstreet Boys, 'N SYNC as my crushes. I bought magazines like Beep Bop, Teen, and ape ape lagi lah yang ade gambar and posters of all these cute boys as the covers. I will go nuts just looking at their photos!! Likee "aahhhhhh!!!!!! waaaahhhh!!!!!!!" and more of "ohhhss and ahhhs". Budak-budak zaman sekarang ade lagi ke minat-minat ni?

Anyway, among them yang paling-paling I had major crush was Devon Sawa!!! Waaaahhhh!!! cute nyerrrr!!!!

He 1st starred in Casper as Casper himself. Giler comeeellll!!!! hahahaha... With that hair terbelah dua kan.. and look at him now.. still a hunk? Think I like him better when he was a child actor.

A another childhood crush has to be JB! Jonathan Brandis! Used to watched him in this series Ocean Girl. Giler cutee!!! Unfortunately he died few years back. It was suicide. Something like he hanged himself. I don't know why a guy like that with that look could end his life that way. May he rest in peace.

and last but not least, Brad Renfro!!! Arghhhh I will melt just to look at his eyes... giler comeell!!! and look at him now!!! still a hunk!!!!!

But that was all yesteryear.. I don't think I have that kind of excitement anymore with any actors or singers. Dah tua kot? Cuma tetiba teringat this childhood actors :)

How about you? Do you have any childhood crush? C'mon I know you do :) Share with us!


  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! i LOVE Devon Sawa in Casper & The little Giants!!!

    Jonathan Brandis is sorta cute in SeaQUest, but unfortunately he killed (hung) himself which is still a shocked to me, huhu..

  2. haha i pun crushed giler dekat Jonathan Brandis.. perasan tak dia senyum senget tapi cute sangat!!.. hehe

  3. my all time celebrity crush is Yusry KRU smp cari husband pun nak muka macam Yusry KRU. ahahahaha

  4. idina : oh yeas!! seaquestt!!! lupa about that!! tu la.. i aritu skali google JB skali terkejut dah mati!! huhuhuhu

    donat : betoll!! oh satu lagi cerita brothers tu.. ape tah.. giler comel2 semua :P

    yatie : omg yusry kru!?? hahaha. sampai kawin tuu.. woohh..i pon penah jugak minat .. kaset kru jangan kata laa.. semua album ada :P


    I LOVEEEEEEEEEE Devon Sawa, Jonathan Brandis & Brad Renfro tooooooooooo!!!

    Tambah lagi sorang, Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Dia my first celeb crush.

    Omg reading this entry buat i senyum sampai telinga. teringat zaman kanak2. I beli okkk semua majalah Bop, Teen yg mahal gila nak mampos tu. Pastu kena rampas.

    And yes, sama macam yatie, Yusry KRU jugakkk :p

  6. Kak Ida, Brad Renfro pun dah mati!

  7. reena!!!! hahahahaha!! time i buat this entry pon tengah rindu zaman2 beli magazine RM15 rasa macam mahai gilaaa!!! sanggup sebab banyak poster!!! oh yeahh!! JTT!!! heheh singkatan tu. sket2 JTT. KRU mmg hot gila la zaman2 dulu. skarang dah tak hot kot :P

    anon : hohhhhhh????????????? dah matiiii???? tidaaakKKKKKKKKK!K!!!!!!

  8. suka gilaa devon sawa.yups in little giants and casper.dulu mmg suka mamat2 blond ni.nick carter masa zmn BSB muda mudi dlu pon suka.and Gil yg nyanyi ngn moffats too..hehe.jonathan brandis first time tgk dia blakon masa dalam IT, cute clown scary sian dah mati..:(

  9. ida, apsal devon sawa tak comel mcm dulu.. arghhh, dulu mmg tergila2 kan.. me siap hantar surat kat devon, nick carter.. mana de email2 ni.. hehehehe..
    mcm la dia nak kawen ngan kita.. :P

    kalau bdk2 skrg bieber la kan..

  10. OMIGOD wh have the same taste!!!!!!

    masa flight ke london i tgk 12x casper!!!!!!!!!!!!! gila tak ? masa tu tingkatan 2 kot.. yeahhh..!!

  11. serenity : i love the moffatts too!! ape jadik tah dengan diaorang sekarang..

    maria : dalam vclip eminem stan tu mcam ok lagi. tak tau plak skarang jadik camni. huhuhu

    jiji : jiji, are you sure you're not my evil twins? (yer u yg evil. i baik :P)

  12. wawawaaaaa..
    i dulu2 pun minat gils kat DEVON SAWA!!!! haha. entah apa2 je rasa..

  13. amelyn : hahahaha.. dont we all?? biasa la zaman2 tak baligh lagi.. hahahahah


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