Monday, June 28, 2010

You too could own this customized camera strap!

 "when there's a will, there's a way :)"

I became like a mad women when I wrote this entry few weeks ago. I know they could ship those item to Malaysia but to me, for a handmade item plus I-could-do-it myself-If-I-could stuff for a USD30 is actually a bit over the budget.

So I began my search for locals who could make this babies. So I emailed these two lovely ladies, maya and kak zura after seeing their works done online asking whether they could do these personalized camera straps for me. and guess what? They would love to! After seeing my entry on those straps, they couldn't help themselves but to make it too!

I ordered 2 from maya and 1 from kak zura. I just got from Maya last week and I'm so excited to post them in my blog! (still waiting mine from kak zura :))

So here they are, my new additions to my camera!

It's a strap slip cover with desinger cotton fabric which I picked myself :P

Now I could change it to follow my mood! :D You can choose the fabric yourself which is tonnes! You could spend all day just picking the right fabric. I know I did :P

My verdict? I love it!!!!! I never feel  hanging my camera on my neck in this fun!!

To those who requested to combine shipping for this babies if I ever got it in US, now you don't have to anymore! Just email those 2 ladies and they are more than happy to assist you ;)

Now I just pay RM20 for a strap instead of $30!!! Isn't cheap or what?

To Maya and Kak Zura, thank you for making one of my dreams came true! Hehehe..


  1. Local pun ada? Hoorayyyy!

    Thank u for this entry, Ida!

    Mau order jugakkkk!

    (I hate my current camera strap. Selalu carikkan tudung. Dah tau TR agak 'sensitip kan)

  2. yesss!!!! its local and its cheapp!!!! you should get it reena!! nnti u pilih kain dier mcm nak gila! :P

    then u blog about it tau design ape u pilih :P

  3. tq so much ida!
    i'm glad you love the strap... :D
    i love it too!!

    something yg buat saya tergelak2 kat sini sebab u tulis "maya & kak zura"... hahahhaa! saya tau zura pun akan gelak jugak..

  4. mummy zara : thanks!! cantek kan??!!

    maya : aihh?? napa gelak? errr... napa napa??? apakah salah kuuuu...?? :P (seriously.. tak paham sebenarnyer)

    idina : cantek kannn :D

  5. suka3!!!tpi xde DSLR lagi...tgh bkira2 nk bli..probably next year..2 pon kena buat byk research b4 bli..dh sebok ngan research mau kalut lg buat extra research a big plan for this year which involved hell lots of money..ape nk buat kan..tgk aje la org pakai camera strap (drooling...bleh cenggitu?) :p

    ida mesti byk experience dgn photography n camera..klau ade masa 'percuma'(hehehe) bleh x bile2 punye enrty bg tips utk bli camera...esp. DSLR..thinking of NIKON...TQ in advance!!!

  6. That's good to know it is available locally!!

    Next time balik boleh try order kat dieorg..I almost nak place order for strap yg harge USD30 tu..

  7. ahh.. we are actually in the same age.. we're classmate long time ago.. & only met recently in the blogsphere, bcoz of the same passion.. hehe.. mcm magic kan blog ni..

  8. ieja : hi ieja!!! wow.. mcm besar jer bunyi nyer projek. tak mo share ke? :P

    err buat tips? hehehe.. i pon technically speaking i xtau sangat camera ni like aperture brape etc. all i know, godek2, agak2 nampak cantek, and shoot! :P

    maybe i could try kot one day? bila ilmu sudah cukup di dada? :)

    mira : yup. its cheaper! ;)

    maya : oowhh yekee.. actually i dont know u guys umuq bape. only she called herself 'kak zura' hehe.. so stuck with 'kak' laa.. heee...

  9. my hubby sure tak kasik.. dia bknnye suke bunga2 tuh.. coz most of the time, my hubby yg bwk.. i just snap.. hahaha

  10. hahaha...nnti projek dh nmpk tanda2 nk jdi bleh la bg tau..:D
    xpe la ade byk mase lg nk buat research psl DSLR ni..lg pon ongkos dh abis invest utk projek besar ni..tgu belanjawan 2011 pulak la..:D

  11. zulaikha : hehehe.. eyy.. ada design masculine jugak tau.. if u want la :P

    ieja : uishh.. sure gempak nih..all the best to u ieja!!

  12. hey there..i really wanna buy this..
    how how??aha

  13. hi lorna!
    you can just go the their website on the link given and just email them your query.
    im sure they would be more than happy to hear from you! :)



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