Friday, March 5, 2010

Perihal lesen ku...

Ever since we moved in the new house, Hariz pon started to behave very good. He's no longer waking up at every 2 hours to nurse. He sleeps 4-5 hours at night and wake up once je to nurse! Pastu sangat senang nak bagi dia tido. And another thing, when he wakes up in the middle of the night, he didn't cry! He just 'ooeehh.. oeehh...macam panggil  mummy dia. I used to wake up to his cries tapi skarang bangun-bangun tak nangis. Lagi la mummy mau tidoq. :P
Yesterday lepas amik from nursery I terus main-main dengan Hariz Rindu sangat. Normally dia akan started to get cranky nak tido around 7.30pm. But yesterday, I main-main dengan dia until 8.30pm. 

Put him on the sofa and dia dok tengok TV sambil korek gigi gusi. Huaa.. macam gangsta. Biler nak amik gambar buat muka terkejut. Mata terbeliak. Olooo cayang cayangggg...I think he's a bit thin lah. Tapi still weigh at 7.5kg at 5month old. Kira okla.

On another note, my dad called this morning asking for a copy of my driving license. Sudah lama tak tengok lesen and I was shocked to find this..!

Lesen ku mati almost a year ago!!!! OMG!! All this while I've been driving with a dead license! Terus cepat2 pi renew terus for 5 years that cost me RM152. Luckily I notice it before it reached 1 year. Kalau idak ada orang cakap kena amik lesen lain kot. Yeke? So korang better check your license jugak. Kang tak pasai-pasai kena :P


K'owNeysa said...

mmg..selagi tk kena tahan polis and minta lesen kat roadblock..mmg tk perasan la lesen tu dah mati..
tu dia aih..sampai 5 tahun sekali renew..hurm..aku pya pun nk mati bulan 7 ni..huhuhu

::Ida:: said...

tu la pasaii.. sib baik aku check. giler lama dah mati. renew 5 thn terus la. aku kan bz womenn :P

Mrs. Amie said...

hahaha.. apa kes boleh lupa nie? me pun sama.. baru jer check pagi tadi.. and mati on 26th nie! lucky i ingat!

::Ida:: said...

mrs amie : ini kes ignorance laa. hohohoh :P i rasa mcm baruu je lagi renew. hhaha.. baru la sangat :P

shareen : waa... rugi uu..tak pasai2. huhuhu

Unknown said...

iDa : 28/06/6 rs mcm baru lg? Expiry 27/06/09 haa'ahh.. tgh sarat mengandungkan Hariz kot. Nasib baik ur dad call. Mcm tak percaya, driving tanpa lesen for almost 9 month. Mmg mencatat sejarah.. hahahaa.. luckily nothing happen. Buat reminder dlm henpon.. kan senang.. tp nk expired 5 thn lg.. ntah2 dah berapa kali tukar hp dahh.. whtever lahhh as long u can monitor all ur renewal thgs.. hahha