Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What would you do if this thing happend to you?

I'm the kind of person that likes to help people in need especially if that person is someone close like a friend or even an acquaintance.

 Ever since in highschool, I was known as the person who likes to lend money to people. I even had a triple 5 book (buku 3 lima) to record all the loans and their names. hehe.. rasa macam ceti plak. But those days were not much like RM10, RM20 or even RM5.

So LAST year, I had this so-called friend, Aminah (bukan nama sebenar), asked me to lend her RM100 because apparently her house has been cut off it's electricity because one of her housemate didn't pay the bill and the LLN had to pull off their meter until the bill been paid. (god knows whether this is true). So I was so kind enough to lend her the money. Well that was BEFORE I got pregnant to Hariz. 

To make the story more interesting, she had gone away to work somewhere else and my money yet to be seen. I bumped into her once in awhile but just from afar. I even sms and called her asking for the money but she never replied. The weird thing is, she seems to forget the money she 'borrowed' from me but I didn't.

Until one day, at the airport, while waiting for my plane to go to KL to attend the ARCHIDEX 2010, I saw her again. This time, I was determined to get my money back and again, I was like, sort of, did't have the nerve to came up to her and ask about it (orang yang hutang kat I but I plak takot nak mintak. boleh ke? :P) but I know where she's working now. Heck is just a few blocks away from my office building. I can just walk there if I want to. 

Finally, after more than 1 year , I managed to rang her at her office and talk to her (nicely) about the money that I lend. Apparently, she 'forgot'! Maybe she got some kind of amnesia or hit her head hard and she said would pay me back by the end of the month. 

I don't know about you guys, should I just ask her to pay me NOW or wait? I've waited for more than 1 year ! and will you 'forget' that you have borrowed money from someone? Especially if it's a hundred? Maybe 2 or 3 dollars is forgiven but a hundred dollar? should I go and throw red paint at her office? :P


aZZa said...

this always happens to my mom.. bagi pinjam bukan skit.. bila part pulang balik orang tu buat2 lupa..

tapi my mom tu jenis berani.. pi mintak balik..hati kering my mom tu.. hehe

ida pun kena jadi hati kering la. dah setahun tunggu tu..

fizayezid said...

next time, tanak ilang kawan.Never ever lend your money.if less RM 10 takpe la.If dia mintak RM100, bg je la RM 5 ke 10 ke.Mak kan dah cakaaappp. :P .
My friend dulu penah mintak pinjam RM600,kunun nak support duit study.sib baik bagi RM200 je,sib baik dgr ckp anas.sampai la ni,tak ganti2. dah 6 tahun dah..hahah.burn gitu la..

::Ida:: said...

donut : tu laa.. maybe i'll wait 1st till the end of the month like she promised. if not, kena la buat kering p mintak :P

fiza : hehehe.. she;s not even my friend pon. so tak kisah la dier tanak kawan pon. hahaha.. ya i know i know .. mak ALWAYS said that :P

Suzie said...

my husband kasi pinjam duit sampai ribu riban end up bila mintak tak mau pulangkan...dah la tak mau pulangkan pastu hantar 'black magic' kat my husband.mati hidup semula pun i tak halalkan even tu duit my hubby.

yeah i do buat mcm tu kat my colleague.it's either rm50 0r rm100 so far dia pulangkan n bila cerita kat my hubby dia ckp next time stop lend money to people.for me prevention matters elok tak pyh bg pinjam sbb kita tak tau hati org mcm mana n i pun jenis segan nak mintak balik hutang even duit tu kita yg punya...so better at the 1st place JGN bagi pinjamkan duit kat org

::Ida:: said...

yeah... lesson learned. :(
i pon segan nak mintak balik. weird kan? kita pulak mcm segan.
tobat dah.. lepas ni tak bagi pinjam dah.. huhuhu

Unknown said...

btul i've learned my lesson!
it's RM2K darl~ buleh bayang tak kalau i dapat duit tuh i can pay half of the price of my new 'baby',.. huh!

::Ida:: said...

woh kiena! 2k?? gilos! how could u bagi banyak itu??? wohh n still belom bayar? seryes u kena upah along p kutip :P

Mawar said...

ida, tuntut sampai lubang cacing duit u hahaha tapi kalau kena kat i pun sama gak segan nak mintak balik. Pernah ada not so called kawan yg dah 3 tahun tak jumpa suddenly sms mintak pinjam 300. i rather tak bagi drpd i malu nak mintak balik end up i yg melopong.

Anonymous said...

Ida, kalau i tgh sengkek, i akan mintak, if not i don't bother much, sbb it's not sampai ribu2. I tak kaya ok, but itu perangai i lah. walaupun i tak mintak beria-ia, but i will say this:

"eh u dulu ada pinjam duit i kan.. takpela nanti u ada duit u bayar k. kot i tgh sengkek nanti, i pi cariu lah ye.. mana lah tau kot that time i really need money..." Just to make a poitn to her first that she needs to pay, in future. Debts are not meant to be forgotten.

Ada org mmg liat nak bayar hutang, walhal duit ada, banyak. Tp ada yg jenis mmg tak berduit. She didn't mean to forget, she just couldn;t. Yg ni kesianlah kan. But whateva it is, i kalau peminjam jenis buat tatau mmg sakit ati. At least, kalau x mampu bayar, just let us know WHY you coudln't pay yet, so we could understand the situation, and kita tau she's not trying to runaway from paying back, kan..

Anonymous said...

one more thing. my hubby pinjamkan duit org ribu2, and he didn;t even bother to ask, even kita tgh sengkek. Geram sgt. Sbb dia kata yg meminjam tu mmg tader duit n org susah. More than 5k pulak tu. Dia kata x pelah org tu nak bayar, bayarlah.. kalau dia tak bayar, kira sedekah je.. *GULP*

guys ni mmg lain kan...

::Ida:: said...

mawar : ahhh good move. its better tak bagi pinjam than in the end kita yg bagi duit ni rasa bersalah nak mintak. iskk

anon : yaa.. u have a point there. :) but the thing is, she just disappeared without xplainations. i dont mind if she said will pay me letter but nothing! or have the courtesy to sms or call me to keep me updated. and 100 is still money to me . boleh beli pampers/susu anak i 2 kali :P

redlover said...

muka aku ni mmg muka xde talent buat bisnes esp. if it's related to installement package + mmg x leh pinjam duit kat org...SBB...malu nk mntk bleh?bkn pe dh dekat 5x mntk ko x paham2 jgk kan..sndri mau hengat la..time nk pnjm siap kol mlm2 nk amik duit..kdg2 cerdik jgk org mntk 200 ckp xde tpi bg 50 sbb x smpi hati bile tanye duit nk makan ade x.then org tu ckp xde..x tergamak plak kan..

tpi yg aku hangin dh ade duit buat x tau..siap shopping bagai..skang ni dh ok skit sbb cuba utk ckp duit ckp makan jek..dh spend utk blanja2 lain n smpn skit utk diri sndri time tdesak..mmg susah klau dh nature cepat simpati kat org..tu blom kire yg kena tipu ngan org yg mntk sedekah..haishh...
lg satu klau sesape dok penang beware dgn sorang minah ni kat area sunshine bayan baru.slalu dia dtg kat org dkt2 tgh mlm ckp purse hilang then n blk ngan teksi..slalu mntk dlm 20 henget..ritu dh tkena..b4 that kawan pon dh kena...minah ni klau aku dpt lg skali mau tangkap n uat BBQ...

::Ida:: said...

ieja : ya.org mcm ini mmg wujud. surprisingly when we kept saying "i wouldn't do that" but they would.

u kat penang gak ke ek? woh.. i tak penah jumpa lagi org yg mintak duit tu.. bahaya kot. i pernah once org lelaki datang nak pinjam duit rm10 n dia buat cerita wallet hilang etc. mmg mcm kesian (if its true) but i just shoved him off. because takot. -_-

redlover said...

it happened last year when I was still there..n still happen.am now in Melbourne.so if you come accross with that chubby lady asking for money just ask her whether or not she wants to go to police station.tu la padah klau kuar umah lupe bace ayat kursi..kdg org mcm ni ade 'guna2' jgk..

fiza said...

oh, kwn2 aku selalu gunakn aku untuk mintak balik duit yg kwn2 pinjam..

let say A pinjam duit B..
bile dh agak2 cukup masak tempohnya, B akan mintak tlg aku pgi mintak dgn A..
sejak aku sekolah smpai la skg, mungkin sbb aku garang kot..haha~

tapi kadang2 ade jugak yg mmg betul2 lupa dia pinjam duit ngan kita ieda..
mungkin die tu jenis hutang sne, hutang sni..smpai tak ingat dgn sape die pinjam & berapa..
agak2 kena ketuk sket kepala tu baru dia ingat kot..hohoho!~

Annasue'G said...

kalo i, mintak kot? dah la selalu sengkek. heheh.
rm100 tu utk certain2 org byk jgk tu. try je tunggu sampai hujung bln. kalo xde, serbu ofis die! haha.

::Ida:: said...

ieja : will definitely noted :)

fiza : wohh.. camtu ekk.. aku soh hang la p tolong mintak bleh?? heheh..
mungkin la dia betol2 lupa.. (she better be). we will see till the end of the month.

sujie : oh semestinyer! we'll see till the end of the month nih. kalau 'lupa' jugak... haihhh

ShilaShower said...

red paint! wah dah jadi along! =P tak pernah ada experience, sbb tak ada orang nak pinjam. *saya tak ada duit, jadi jangan mintak* hahahaha. tapi seratus banyak tuh. boleh shopping baju anak. =P

::Ida:: said...

mrs kown : hehehe.. itu metaphor je :P nak mintak pon segan, ni nak simbah red paint. hehehe..
100 tu mmg banyakkk... i bleh beli pampers even kasut for me! :P

K'owNeysa said...

ceh..aku igt banyak..hang mmg jenis suka kasi hutang ka? kalau tau dah lama aku minta kat ang..hahahahah

well..back to the topic..i have been there and done that..in fact sampai skrg dah almost 3 years my junior tu tk bayar..well sebab 50 hengget jer aku halalkan..out of no where dia minta tolong aku then terus senyap..aku sms pun cakap kata dia belum ada duit..50 hengget je kot..sampai la ni la..

so aku malas nk minta..dari menyusahkan hidup cari dia..biarla Allah membalas yg terbaik untuk kita..cos i believe rezki Allah tu Dia akan beri balik dgn caraNya..;)

KakNie said...

ida...i faham perasaan tu..dia yang pinjam dari kita, janji nanti dia bayar tapi tak bayar2..tapi kita pulak yang jadi segan, malu pulak nak mintak dia bayar balik duit tu, kan? pelik...tapi memang rasa macam tu, kelakar...boleh pulak kita malu mintak duit kita sendiri, kan? well it happened to me too.. bukan sekali dua, masuk 3-4 kali dah rasanya terkena, sedara sendiri pulak...padan muka i, sampai sekarang tak dapat balik...huhuuu

::Ida:: said...

kown : weh... 100 tu banyak ok.. and aku mana ada suka bagi pon.. dah dia mintak.. aku pon mcm serba salah.. actually dia trainee dlm opis aku je.. so aku igt dia akan bayo ler later.. skali dia ilang.. huhuhu

kaknie : huhuhu.. tu laa.. susah kan camni. bagi salah, tak bagi salah... huhuhu

Unknown said...

THrow paint and rotten eggs!!

actually they should have the courtesy to at least tell u if they are able to pay u back or not kan! ... bila nak duit rajin plak nak contact ... i really nyampah with ppl like this! ... nasib baik muka PapaKeechee adalah garang so no one berani nak pinjam anything from me ... hahaha ... btw hope u get ur money back kay .. SOOOOON!! ^_^

::Ida:: said...

papakeechee : LOL. thats right! they should at least say sumtin about it la. takdela biar i ternanti nanti kan.. :P
yah.. i sudah made pledge. kalau dia bayar balik end of the month, nak buat open table. muakakakaka :P

reena said...

Memang susah kalau orang camni. I pun macam u, orang bagi sakit hati, tapi takut nak cakap (Nak jaga hati punya pasal la).

Mummylicious said...

sigh. nak kata tak kasi pinjam tak sedap hati gak kekadang. have to think, what if, you yourself needs money one day. and your friends takut nak pinjam sebab bende2 camni. pening gak. but when friends tak bayar balik...its like hello?

I ada "kawan" (yg dah bukan kawan) pinjam RM250 erm 5 years ago. Dah kira lesap la duit tu. how to ask for the money? it has been ages.

im a lender but also a borrower. occasionally bila time shopping duit tak cukup or debit card machine rosak :P
but i always tell my friends, "if i tak bayar balik! REMIND ME!!!! just remind me" coz im naturally forgetful. and well that what my friends does. haha n terus i masuk dlm account bank.

unless both side lupa. which..happened too.sigh.

RM100. mintak ja. its not little but its not much that a person cant pay immediately. boleh beli kasut raya satu for mummy with balance for hariz

::Ida:: said...

reena : itu laa.. tak bagi kang.. serba salah pulak.. dah bagi... serba salah jugak .. nak mintak balik! :P

mummy : yerlaa.. come to think about it, rm100 may not be that much, but its still money! plus im kinda almost broke now, rm100 can buy a lot! :P

Anonymous said...

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