Sunday, February 13, 2011

A tower of pants!

I've been meaning to do a spring clean on my wardrobe but keep on holding it until I just had it today. So I left Hariz with Wan, head on upstairs and start pulling up those sleeves.

This time I had to clean up all my pants collections because well, I won't be needing them now. Not until I got my figure back which is in few months time? (I wish!)

Most of my pants are size 28 - 29. As my belly and ass getting bigger now, I've decided to put them away temporarily so I won't be so frustrated looking at all those pants not being able to wear them.

I just realize I have one helluva collection of pants! Jeans alone is, I don't know, 20? Don't get me start with work pants.

'okay babies. be good now. mommy will be seeing you soon. tsk'

and what happened when all the pants combined?

a tower of pants!! 
(seriously I had to move it againts the wardrobe so it won't collapse when I took this photo :P)

and what's left for me to wear now?

Keep telling myself this is just temporary. So no need to buy new one. All I have to do is open the above closet and you will see tonnes of pants! :P

Ahh okay.. That's this week spring clean job. Will treat myself some ice-cream now for all the hardwork. Phew!


Ayuni A. said...

pants pants pants.tell me about it! i have loads of them too but in the end i only wear a few which i love.

i have not shed my baby bulges yet so now i am working hard not to buy too many new ones while i cant wear the pre-pregnancy pants (which i am doing a very bad job at,just bought a pair :S )

::Ida:: said...

yunayuni : soo true! that is why it wall sum up to all what is left for me to wear :P

how old is your baby now? i pon tak sempat nak kempis perot dah pregnant sorang lagi. haih. next time tunggu 3 tahun pulak la :P

Ayuni A. said... i baru 4 bulan stengah.tu lah the tummy part is the hardest! i had a c-sect so i couldnt go too hard on my tummy coz still sakit.

enjoy the rest of your 2nd pregnancy! :)