Friday, November 19, 2010

The prize for the Waneedaz 1st Giveaway revealed!

Finally we have finalized on the prizes for the winners for this giveaway. I did promised 2 prizes right? But maybe I'm going to throw more than 2! How cool is that!??

Ready to know what the prizes are??

Rume Bag!

Envirosax bag!

In support with eco friendly and no-plastic bag campaign, I would like to give away this 2 gorgeous green bags so we could all be green together!! (product worth RM70!)

So ladies, what are you waiting for?? Keep sending me those entry!!! 2 weeks more left for you to crack your brains out :)


Nur Atiqah said...

Yeah! Go GREEN! hehe

::Ida:: said...

yeahh!!! cmon!!! lets join the contest!!!