My hubby and I often had our lunch breaks together because our offices are not too far from each other.
So yesterday, we had our lunch at Mizi Bistro (my treat :P) located at the New World Park or as chinese call it So Tao Lin (did I get it right?). New World Park is a food court where different types of stalls and restaurant located under one roof.
Besides the foodcourt, there also Old Town, Starbucks, BBQ Chicken, Guardian and more.

The entrance from the car carpark. I assume this is the back side of the park. If you're coming from here, you will see the food court. There are a lot of variety to choose from.

The food court.

I love this fruit stall. You can find almost every type of fruits here. They also selling ais kacang, rojak and fresh fruit drinks! Nyummm!!

So this is the Mizi Restaurant. It's the 1st shop you will see if you're coming from the food court.

The 8 pages menu will definetly blew you away. It took me some time to decide what to eat because they are all good. Usually I will take the lunch set menu where you can choose the drinks, soups, main dish and ice cream for only RM21 per set.

The decorations inside the restaurant. Pretty unique and they have all this antique items.

I ordered the mushroom soup. This soup is really special because it's not like any other mushroom soup I've tried before. They are more like Campbell soup straight from the can. But this soup (from what I taste lah), they mix in grinded mushroom and it is thicker.

My hubby ordered.. err.. I forgot what's its name. It's a combination of chicken, steak and lamb chop. Wow. See the size of the plate? Huge!

I had the California Fish & Chips. Ada lebih kurang 5 pieces of fish per plate. I couldn't finish them all coz too full.

And finally, the dessert. It's a free flow ice cream where you have to make it yourself. Meaning you can put as much as you like! Did I say free flow? Owh yeahhh..! It's eat all you want! But I just had 2 scoops je coz dah kenyang sangat-sangat. Burp!
banyaknya makan. kat ofc x mengantuk? hehe.
mizi bistro kat belah mana tu? penang kan?
hehehe... tak ngantuk laks :P
mizi ni kat new world park. kat pulau. tak tau dona sempat pegi ke tak..
ermm new world park kat mana? Ya Allah rasa mcm dah beribu tahun tak balik penang!
hahaha... ida pon tak ingat bila new world park ni siap. dekat jalan burmah actually :)
hari tu nak buat penang time square dah siap ker? yg kat jalan dato keramat.
btw insyaAllah kitorg raya kat penang tahun ni. :)
erm apa plat nombor kereta yg latest kat penang skrg? PJA dah kuar? hehe sajer nak tau.
oo time square tu siap lama dah.. :P
yeke? kalau ada penang tu rajin2 la calling2 :)
plat kete PJA dah keluar lama dah..
skarang ape tahh tak hengat :P
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