Friday, November 12, 2010

Sorry I cannot hear you I'm kinda bu-saayyyy

Yep! I'm super busy now looking after this little fella. I've been on leave for almost half a week! and I'm really-really bored to death! Maybe I'm used to waking up in the morning and go to work. Do my stuff at the office and go home, see hariz. 

Hariz too has been off the school/nursery for about a week now. I really can't wait to go back to work. As much as I enjoy being with hariz, I just can't take my mind off work. (Is this healthy?)

And Hariz, haih.. he's never been so clingy and ngada-ngada before. All he wanted was me! Abah dia dier tak mau. Hmm.. nanti kalau dah ada adik tak leh la Hariz nak clingy-clingy lagikkk. :P

I've got tonnes to blog about too. But the only time I had is at night, which is after putting Hariz to bed. and sometimes, I pon ikut skali Hariz to bed :P

And don't forget the contest is still going on. :) The prizes? ok.. i'll give you a little sneak of them is from..
Good luckk!!!


Azlida Alias said...

"Hmm.. nanti kalau dah ada adik tak leh la Hariz nak clingy-clingy lagikkk. :P"

Wooow!!! Cepat2 la Ida..Hariz boring tuuu, sbb tu dia dok clingy2 ja dengan u....

::Ida:: said...

hehehehe... soon noor soon!! hehehe.. :P

Nur Atiqah said...


as a preparation...

pasnieyh confirm u mkn busy kan?kan?kan? :P

Unaizah said...

Maybe Hariz is seizing his opportunity to be with you 24/7. Budak-budak ni sometimes bila tak sedap badan, they tend to be clingy... Hariz kira okay lagi sebab dia tak meragam n play as usual. Maunya dia dok merengek n buat perangai, lagi pening kepala.

::Ida:: said...

eeqa : hehe.. prepare mentally and phsically.. huhuhu

unaizah : haah kan. maybe laa.. sampai stress kadang2 tu. dah la suka menjerit2..mcm nak pecah gegendang telingaa.. haihhhh~