Good afternoon guys!
Just finish off my lunch and feel like updating my blog but not sure what to write :P
So what to do when you have nothing to write but want to keep your blog update?
Make a tutorial lah :D
So today, I just want to make a tutorial on how to turn your blog template into simple classic template (a.k.a. minima template).
Lately, blogspot has been upgraded and they have added new features like blogger template designer where you can choose any design template provided with its pretty background
So why do I want to change this? The template is pretty much how I like right?
Well sometimes, you just want to tweak the blog a bit, change the background to you liking anytime you want. You can get massive collections of gorgeous background from the web. My favourite of all time is Shabby.
So when you want to have your own choice of background, you need a plain background so your new background won't intertwined with your template. Just like a piece of paper. If you want to start your sketch, you need a blank paper right? :)
Ok. So blogspot used to have this feature where changing the template to minima the easiest way. However, with the new feature, it's been, well, lost. :P
To make your template back to simple minima, classic, go to dashboard > design tab > edit html
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scroll down until the bottom and you will find 'old templates'. click on the 'select layout template'. |
for minima template, tick on the 1st template > minima
and you're done! :)
now you can go and look for those gorgeous background you've been eyeing for for your blog and start making up your blog :)
Good luck!
tq2...sangat membantu la ida..hehe :)
cewaah tutorial lagi. :b
Ida, mcm mana ngan header design untuk 10 org tu? Teringin la nak tengok. Did I miss it?
elin : hi. no problem :)
dona : heyy.. where have u been?? lama xupdate blog?
owh that header design.. hehe.. ader... tapi mcm tak mo reveal lagi.. :P maybe very very soon :D
Ida, my sister tgh cari header baru... hehehe~ taking orders??
hehehe.. really? hohoho... umm.. i seh.. actually i pon ader 2 orders waiting ;P tapi tak tahu biler nak start.. huhuhu..
Hi Ida..
Thanks a lot for the info..mmg tengah mencari2 jugak since all my cute previous has gone..uwaa...!! Follow awak yer..makasih..
Anyway..rajin2 jemput laa singgah beli cloth diapers kat kedai saya..just for your little one.. :-)
no problem! glad could help :)
insyallah .will drop by ya :)
Chanced upon your blog, Nice!
Thanks for sharing shabby, I like! Feels like jumping to blogspot right away. I am using wordpress, do you think it can be used in WP? Thanks!
salam mama balqis!
thanks for dropping by :)
blogspot is awesome! u can let ur creativity runs wild!
far as i know, one of the cons of WP is u can't change the background unless u opt for advance user meaning u have to pay for it. or u can just use the template available for wp :)
i did try wp once, but blogspot suits me better :)
u should try~! ;D
Dear Ida, guess what! I am moving!! lol!
Simply tak puas hati that I cant do much with wp. tgh nak pack2 from wp ni go to blogspot plak!
anyway I do have one more question...sori eh tak tahu malu plak tanye bnyk2..
how do you implement the fonts in your blog? Appreciate it if you can share! Thanks a lot!
really?? yeayy!!!!! heheh
haaa.. about the fonts tu.. u can use the link here. i pon amik from here :) kevin&amanda is simply awesome!
u have to follow every steps.. but dont worry. its very easy once u get the hang of it :P
good luck!!!
Yeay done! Thanks a lot ya for sharing! There's credit to you too! *wink*
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